Driver Clearinghouse Management

The FMCSA Driver Clearinghouse is the mandatory repository for information regarding your current and potential drivers. The Clearinghouse is mandated by 49 CFR part 382, subpart G, and includes information regarding positive drug or alcohol test results and test refusals. Additionally, When a driver with a drug and alcohol program violation completes the required Return-To-Duty (RTD) process, this information is recorded in the Clearinghouse.

The new rule also creates additional reporting requirements for your company’s MRO. If you already use Concorde, these new MRO reporting requirements occur automatically as part of our drug and alcohol service. The additional reporting requirements for the MROs are to submit positive drug screen results and MRO determined refusals to test.

As your Third Party Administrator (TPA), Concorde helps you facilitate your reporting and inquiry requirements for the Clearinghouse. In order to add Concorde as your C/TPA, you need to invite us via your Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Portal Account. If you do not currently have a FMCSA Portal Account, you can register for one following this link: (

If you need more information about these topics please contact us.

For more information about the Clearinghouse, please visit